As a kid I found myself climbing trees, building wooden swords, fighting with my brother, but not really writing. All through life I did what I could to avoid it as much as possible, I loved having in-person conversations but there always was something specifically about writing that behaved ‘strange’. Like by writing something down it gives a certain intention, energy, and a life of its own, enchanted by the mere act of inscribing it.
So, now as a young adult, I try and find the point where my entire life became about writing. In my free time, I make/write tabletop role-playing games and write short stories. For work, I write and write some more. I always joke that I have to keep writing until I find exactly the right way to describe my dislike for it, so here I am writing, and slowly but surely finding joy in the act of inscription of those wily words.
You can find me on Twitter and Instagram @EvaOddveig or my storefront